Microarrays come in two basic flavours: complementary DNA (cDNA) or oligonucleotide arrays. cDNA arrays can be obtained commercially on filters, or made on glass slides. To compare mRNA levels in ...
The field of DNA microarray data analysis is getting increasingly complicated as scientists develop new array technologies and analysis algorithms, yet accurate introductory information on the ...
One way they do this is to use a DNA microarray to determine the expression levels of genes. When a gene is expressed in a cell, it generates messenger RNA (mRNA). Overexpressed genes generate ...
Microarray Scanners are devices used to measure the fluorescent areas of a DNA microarray to reveal information about the simultaneous activity of thousands of genes. This information can help ...
In the 2000s, Young’s team used DNA microarrays, which are glass slides coated with short DNA sequences, to detect genes expressed by cells in response to a variety of stimuli. Although powerful, ...
Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2013;13(6):601-611. In other situations, normal microarray analysis in the presence of an abnormal karyotype, such as marker chromosomes, is reassuring, as it indicates that ...
LuxScan 10K Microarray Scanner is a compact high performance system for microarray imaging and data analysis of DNA, protein and cell arrays. Its advanced systems for optics, signal processing and ...