With this script you are able to change the theme of dwm, neovim, dmenu, dunst and termite while running them. The script is easy to extend for further programs and multiple themes. Just add a new ...
最近入坑Arch,了解到Window Manager的概念,从此展开了对dwm的探索。 为了探索各补丁的功能,我一一翻看dwm的各补丁,仅从标题能得到的信息太少,点入详情页也有很多解释不清楚的补丁,因此在此给出各补丁功能的中文翻译以及部分自己的理解与使用效果 ...
In the past, Google and Microsoft have worked on improving the dark theme integration in Chrome ... for Windows 11’s Desktop Window Manager (DWM.exe), but it seems to be the best bet for now.