DALLAS - Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price told city council members this week that the county wants to build a new jail and courthouse. The revelation raises a lot of questions.
Dallas County Sheriff Marian Brown speaks after the Texas Commission on Jail Standards announces to Dallas County commissioners and Sheriff's Department that the Dallas County Jail passed an ...
TARRANT COUNTY, Texas — The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office recently hired Dallas County’s former top jail official to run Tarrant County’s jail system amid scrutiny over a spike in jail ...
Dallas County has reached a proposed settlement ... never should have had to fight this fight in the first place, but the fact they did, and it’s had the ending it has now, just says a lot ...
In front of a federal judge who will decide whether to release inmates 50 years and older or who are medically vulnerable to Covid-19, a Dallas County Jail detention officer testified Tuesday he was ...
left Dallas last month to become Tarrant County’s day-to-day operations jail administrator. The Chief Deputy who helped improve Dallas County jail enough to pass recent jail inspections recently ...
Weekend shifts for detention officers at the Dallas County Jail went from being determined by seniority to being determined by gender in 2019, according to the women’s lawsuit filed in the ...