Former Rajya Sabha MP Shanta Chettri has demanded ‘safeguard measures’ for the Darjeeling tea industry by invoking the Indo-Nepal Treaty of Trade to protect the domestic sector from increasing tea ...
The scenic town of Darjeeling is all set to host the much-anticipated second edition of the ‘Darjeeling Melo Tea Fest’ 2024, a vibrant celebration of tea, music, and culture. Organised by ...
Three hill residents have set up a food-processing startup to sell organic Darjeeling tea-based drinks. Darjeeling resident Ashish Syangbo Tamang launched the company with his mother Sabnam, and ...
At its most basic, tea is a mix of water and dried plant material. What many people think of as true teas like black (such as English breakfast, Earl Grey and Darjeeling), green and white are all ...