他们提出了一种单日协议,旨在探索将 DaT-SPECT、MIBG 闪烁显像以及 FDG-PET 整合在一天内完成的可行性,相关研究成果发表在《European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging》上。 研究人员在开展这项研究时,用到了几个主要关键的技术方法。首先,为排除 [123 I ...
在医学领域,帕金森病等神经系统疾病的诊断一直是个重要课题。单光子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)结合多巴胺转运体(DAT)配体 N-ω- 氟丙基 - 2β- 甲氧基羰基 - 3β-(4-123 I - 碘苯基) 去甲托烷([123 I] FP-CIT)在检测黑质纹状体变性方面有重要作用。但在临床实践 ...
this scanner provides high-resolution molecular imaging acquisition in mice, rats, ferrets, and rabbits. The system is equipped with 3 different size multi-pinhole collimators which can be easily ...
Now the scars are invisible no longer. A new tool—the SPECT scan—is offering a new way for firefighters and others with PTSD to visualize their injuries. SPECT stands for single photon ...
Our aim in this study was to evaluate stress injury type with bone scan, relation of exercise duration per week and contribution of SPECT/CT in recreational athletes with calf pain. Methods One ...