Waco: The Aftermath is a crime drama film starring Michael Shannon in the lead role. It is based on David Thibodeau & Leon ...
The harrowing true story of the 1993 standoff between the FBI, ATF and the Branch Davidians, a spiritual sect led by David Koresh in Waco, TX that resulted in a deadly shootout and fire.
Mount Carmel, the site of David Koresh’s commune ... they saw as the fatal excess of the government in dealing with the Waco situation. But Mount Carmel also has a deeply emotional lure.
Twenty-five years after the 51-day standoff and deadly siege on David Koresh and the Branch Davidian compound, new details and survivor revelations come to light.
Waco massacre cult leader David Koresh told men to be celibate but slept with their wives ...
John Danforth and his Waco investigation ... Praise Jesus that there is no David Koresh at Tucker and Market. Danforth made a lengthy presentation, waited to hear all the questions offered ...