Varanasi hosts the big festival of Dev Diwali, also known as Dev Deepawali, which is particularly known for its magnificent Ganga Aarti and the amazing display of millions of diyas near the ghats.
Dev Diwali, also known as Dev Deepavali, is one of the most auspicious festivals in Hinduism. Celebrated with immense enthusiasm and devotion, it falls on the Purnima Tithi in the month of Kartik.
Dev Diwali or Dev Deepawali is a Hindu festival observed in the Hindu month of ‘Kartik’, celebrated with great pomp and show in the Indian city of Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh. Dev Diwali is the ...
also known as Kashi or Banaras, is a tapestry of spiritual fervor and cultural richness. While this city is enchanting throughout the year, it transforms into an ethereal realm during Diwali, the ...