POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Does your dog suffer from itchy skin, constant ear infections, or an upset stomach? It could be more than just bad luck—it ...
If your dog is intermittently scratching its ear, it's typically not a pressing concern; he's likely just dealing with an itch. On the other hand, if the scratching persists and intensifies ...
Frequent scratching, licking or biting may be a sign that your wet-nosed companion needs veterinary care. Chronic itching and ...
Excessive itching may signal an underlying issue. Learn about common dog allergies, symptoms, and treatment options for ...
Allergic inflammation plays a big role in allergy reactions and contributes to the itching and chewing commonly seen with ...
Spring is approaching and Scots - and their four-legged friends - are bracing for the dreaded arrival of hay fever ...