This Dr. Seuss book is a fun read for kids and parents alike ... how much damage our behavior was doing to the planet, “The Lorax” and its eco-warrior protagonist who “speaks for the ...
Before anyone ever heard the term "climate change," Dr. Seuss was advocating on behalf of the natural world in his classic children's book, The Lorax (Illumination's stunning adaptation is now ...
Rated G. Opens Friday, March 2, at the Park Theatre Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) wrote The Lorax 41 years ago. The story's openly pro-environment theme—the title character is a mythical forest ...
Dr Seuss, Author, pop-ups by David A. Carter. Random/Corey $28.99 (22p) ISBN 978-0-375-85227-5 A trio of new pop-up books for spring. Oh, the Places You'll Go! Pop-Up! Dr. Seuss , pop-ups by David A.
Dr. Seuss Enterprises has announced that six of the famed author's books will stop being published due to racist and insensitive imagery. On Tuesday, which marks "Read Across America Day" and the ...