But, much to their surprise, they had also recorded a “very rare” video of a great white shark. Researchers visited Dusky Sound in February to conduct a Baited Remote Underwater Video survey ...
Great whites can appear year-round in the waters along the North Carolina coast, but they are most common during winter and ...
When scientists in New Zealand checked the footage from an underwater camera, they expected to see a variety of fish and some sharks, and they did. But, much to their surprise, they had also recorded ...
The waters off Hadera serve as a seasonal aggregation site for sharks, though the precise reasons remain under investigation.
Choose options to include in this vehicle value. Only select options that are in addition to standard equipment and equipment noted in the manufacturer or year notes shown above. If you are uncertain ...
and bull shark and dusky shark sightings decreased. In some cases, these changes are likely to reflect broad-scale changes in the behavior or population of these species—for example, population ...
Prohibited shark species found in New York State waters include sandbar ("brown"), dusky, and sand tiger sharks (visit Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations for the full list of prohibited ...