这台车在第二代997 GT3 RS发布仅仅几个月后就登场了,又比经典的911 RS 4.0早了一年推出,可以说它直接进入了死亡之组。更糟糕的是,由于该车产量极少,绝大多数GTS都被纳入了藏家之手,实车很少露面,大概率也不会被出售。
An E92 M3’s, then? A properly edgy V8 warble but volume limited and far too civilised by comparison. The V8 M5’s, surely? A creamy baritone but hardly brutish. The CSL drowns it, kills it.
Browsing online forums could have you believe the E92 M3 is a ticking time bomb, but the horror stories of failing connecting rod bearings needn’t become reality if the car is well cared for.