Austin archaeologist Mike Collins established that artifacts found at the Gault Site, a dig an hour north of Austin, helped ...
When Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space in his spacecraft, Vostok 1, he was one of the most famous people on earth.
Three-million-year-old tools found in Kenya reveal early humans' ability to cut food, butcher meat, and adapt to new diets.
Research uncovers early humans' reliance on plant-based foods, revealing ancient tools and 780,000-year-old starch grains.
The Caveman Diet, also known as the Paleo Diet, is a weight-loss craze where calorie-counters pick foods they think early humans may have eaten. For most followers, this means a meat-heavy diet.
An international study reveals how early humans, as far back as 1.5 million years ago, deliberately selected specific stones ...