Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) researchers have discovered a fast, simple, and cheap way to make ...
Pipet the emulsion into the wells of a PCR plate as ... generated a product then the problem lies with the emulsification process: ensure that the correct amount of BSA is added to the aqueous ...
This webinar will discuss the use of dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential, and single particle optical sizing (SPOS) in the laboratory and then introduce a new online DLS system for ...
When using the entire 96-well plate, rotate the to 96-well plate half way through the mixing process. Assess the quality of the emulsions at 400× magnification with an inverted microscope.
Abul Hossain had been waiting for this day for years—his son was finally getting married. With just weeks left, he wanted to ...