Exploring language and culture through video, films, and movies are great ways to increase your exposure to the target language and keep you motivated to learn. Check out some of the links below and ...
The response to English-language remakes of foreign-language films is usually something along the lines of, "Why?" If there is already a great film that exists, why not just leave it as is?
Ever since Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite won Best Picture back in 2020, more people than ever, it seems, have been looking to ...
Welcome to the International Movies & Films @ALTEC on Canvas! ALTEC is committed to fulfilling students' language-learning needs by continuing to provide services that satisfy their experiences. Check ...
When released in Poland, English-language films usually receive a translated Polish title. But sometimes these ‘translations’ can barely be called as such, and turn out a little beyond understanding.
The tantalising timbre of the Polish tongue can actually be heard in many English-language movies from the US and UK. Culture.pl takes a look at ten such ... With the first Borat, the aim was that I ...