We'll also teach you how to amend the soil you have so you can grow the plants you want. Depending on where you live, you're ...
Generally speaking, acers prefer slightly acidic soil. This is usually referred to as ericaceous soil when you're purchasing it.’ Ericaceous soil is a low-pH soil that is specifically formulated ...
Where possible, replant potted plants with ericaceous soil. Tomato growers may spot yellowing around the central rib of older leaves, sometimes with brown tints, and this can indicate magnesium ...
The focus is on the ericaceous vegetation that forms the (upper) treeline ecotone at all sites. There is little evidence for climatic control of the patchy appearance of this belt in all afroalpine ...
If you don't have suitable soil, simply grow blueberries in a pot containing ericaceous compost, giving the plants a high potash feed (such as tomato feed) occasionally during the growing season.