A nasty quarrel arose in the 11th century over what kind of bread should be used in holy communion. The view in ...
In previous columns, I have shown how certain truths of the faith in the New Testament were prefigured and foreshadowed in the Old Testament. Here, I will focus on the Eucharist. There are a ...
1106. "Together with the anamnesis, the epiclesis is at the heart of each sacramental celebration, most especially of the Eucharist: You ask how the bread becomes the Body of Christ, and the wine ...
The body keep you in eternal life. NATHAN: Holy Communion is a re-enactment of the Last Supper. On the night before he died Jesus shared bread and wine with his closest friends and followers.
The March 24 statement confirmed that the host had "fallen out of a Mass kit used at the parish, and when it was discovered, ...
There are also a variety of names used, such as the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist, Mass and the breaking of bread. For this topic, we will contrast the Brethren (Protestant tradition) with the ...
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, has filed a motion for the return of the Eucharist, a consecrated host and consecrated wine a Satanic group claims to have stolen, with the ...
Non-alcoholic wine and gluten-free bread cannot be used during holy communion, the governing body of the Church of England has ruled. Church guidance says the bread must be made using wheat flour ...