Darwin took extensive notes on the active geology of South America and went on to publish three books on the subject (all of which preceded his publications on evolution). This early geological ...
"Our history is far richer and more complex than we imagined," said human evolutionary geneticist Aylwyn Scally.
It's been called the most important scientific book ever. A stunning claim, but certainly Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, published in 1830, shook prevailing views of how Earth had been formed.
As much as evolution is about life and its many forms, biology alone cannot fully explain it. By integrating the physical sciences, which include geology, chemistry, and physics, into our study of ...
A new study co-authored by researchers at Indiana University sheds light on how the forces that shape mountain ranges also influence the evolution of species. In the study, “Direct effects of mountain ...
The Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics trains you to address pressing questions concerning our home planet's evolution, its role as the source of raw materials needed by modern civilisation, ...