These friendships often lasted for life, and scientists say they show how male primates can use kindness and affection to socially succeed.
Reproductive strategies of primate males and females differ because of fundamental sex differences in potential reproductive rates characteristic of all mammals (Trivers 1972, Clutton-Brock ...
Henzi, S. P. & Barrett, L. The value of grooming to female primates. Primates 40, 47-59 (1999). Kummer, H. Dimensions of a comparative biology of primate groups. American Journal of Physical ...
Some males fail to dominate males that are smaller than themselves. But in general, the ranks of female juveniles depend more on their mother's ranks, while the ranks of male juveniles depend more on ...
Male Kindas were observed initiating most interactions, maintaining proximity and engaging in frequent grooming of females, a behavior typically associated with social bonding in primates.