Former NYPD forensic artist Stephen Mancusi met with Business Insider at his studio to explain how the process works. The drawings are produced through an interview process with a witness or a ...
Cheyenne artist Harvey Pratt turned his love for drawing and sculpting into a career in forensic art On this special episode of Gallery America, we follow the life of Harvey Pratt, who turned his ...
Lois Gibson is a forensic artist. Based on information provided by witnesses, she can produce an image good enough to provide vital clues in criminal and civil cases and help identify suspects or ...
Georgia Bureau of Investigation forensic artist Kelly Lawson created a sketch of the man. Authorities urge the public to view the sketch and contact them with any information that could aid in ...
Judges will whittle down the 10 up-and-coming designers and illustrators to three prize-winners, whose work will feature in the Annual Awards issue of Creative Review ...