以英伟达的主流显卡RTX 4060为例,其8GB的显存容量在面对高分辨率纹理和精细解析度的3A游戏时,显得有些力不从心。最近发售的一款备受瞩目的3A游戏《夺宝奇兵:古老之圈》更是让这一问题暴露无遗。 据德国知名硬件媒体PCGamer ...
The EPYC 4124P is an enterprise-focused quad-core, eight-threaded processor based on AMD's Zen 4 CPU architecture. The CPU ...
However, if you own either the Nvidia RTX 4060 or the RTX 4060 Ti, you should be good to go as you can run the title at some of the best settings. However, it is always recommended to moderate the ...