The math concept hidden in this tree art — geometric shapes known as fractals — is apparent in branching patterns in nature ...
The math Newberry and his student Jingyi Gao used is based on fractals. These are patterns created by repeating the same smaller pattern within itself. Snowflakes are an example of this ...
They are appealing to the eye because of their great amount of symmetry (some fractals). Fractal-like objects were discovered in mathematics more than 100 years ago, but required the computer to bring ...
The math concept hidden in this tree art — geometric shapes known as fractals — is apparent in branching patterns in nature and may be key to humans’ ability to recognize such artwork as ...
Immerse yourself in a tranquil journey, finding awe in the beauty of math. Embark on an adventure where the goal is exploration and the discovery of infinite art through the wonders of fractals.