A creature rarely seen since it was discovered more than 100 years ago was found for the first time — accidentally — in Tibet. Researchers conducting a survey of harmful fores ...
A team of researchers has rediscovered a frog species which has not been seen in more than 130 years. First described in 1902 ...
The Serra do Assuruá is in the north-central region of the Bahia state of Brazil, on the country’s east coast. The research ...
The venom of Bruno's casque-headed frog is an estimated 25 times more potent than that of Fer-de-lance pit vipers from Central and South America (genus Bothrops). The venom of the Brazilian Greening's ...
Some species are found once, reported, and then seem to have the ability to remain hidden, only to be rediscovered many years ...
The newly identified Rhacophorus medogensis, or “Xizang flying frog,” belongs to a genus of flying frogs characterized by their webbed fingers and toes that form a Y-shape and expand into ...