Try his quick soda bread. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 8. Put a large casserole dish and its lid into the oven. In a large bowl, mix the flours, sea salt, sugar and bicarbonate of soda ...
Preheat your oven to 240ºC/gas mark 9. Line the base of a 2lb loaf tin with baking parchment. Mix the flours and porridge with the sieved bread soda and salt. Stir these well so that the bread ...
Preheat the oven to 210°C/410°F/Gas Mark 6½ and grease the bread tins. Mix the dry ingredients together by hand in a big bowl and make a well in the centre. Mix the egg, buttermilk, and treacle ...
Set your oven to 425 degrees or gas mark 7. Place the butter in your ... Cook for about 25 minutes or until the bread has risen and is a golden brown. Serve immediately with butter and jam ...