There are several ways to extract intron feature gff3 from gene_exon gff3 file. We can use GBrowse databases to dump intron based gff3 file as a first option.
Each mapped read is checked against the input gtf to determine if the read lies entirely on introns, exons, or crosses at least one intron/exon junction. Reads with the same UMI are only checked ...
Using a polymerase chain reaction single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) assay, which amplifies individually all coding exons of the ATM gene ... of intron 17, leading to exon skipping.
Background We have previously shown that exon 1 of the huntingtin gene does not always splice to exon 2 resulting in the production ... HD (with CAG ≥ 50), utilising cryptic polyadenylation sites ...