Geoduck can be expensive at seafood restaurants, but it’s easy enough to prepare at home. Fresh geoduck is easy to prepare, but if you're squeamish, have the seafood vendor do it for you.
Once you move past common favorites like shrimp and salmon, there's an astonishingly diverse seafood world out there. One especially fascinating — not to mention tasty — category is mollusks.
Geoducks have extraordinarily long lifespans, with some individuals living up to 150 years. They reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the water, where fertilization occurs externally.
The geoduck is the world's largest burrowing clam, capable of living for over 100 years. Let's dig into the details and uncover what makes this "king clam" so special. Physical Characteristics The ...
The hearing gave the public a chance to comment before the Pierce County Deputy Hearing Examiner decided whether to approve permits for the geoduck farm. That decision is now out. A map prepared ...
The question of whether a longtime shellfish farm in Burley Lagoon can raise geoducks is inching toward a final answer. Burley Lagoon, a body of saltwater that connects under the Purdy Bay Bridge ...
The question of whether the longtime shellfish farm in Burley Lagoon can raise geoducks is inching toward a final answer. Burley Lagoon, a body of saltwater that connects under the Purdy Bay ...