A team of scientists from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research has found that regularly consuming sweet drinks like ...
Discover 10 powerful lifestyle modifications that can prevent and potentially reverse type 2 diabetes naturally, from ...
A UB study suggests that when consumed in chili during pregnancy, beans may help lower one’s risk for gestational diabetes.
So, while you’re whipping up your next shake using one of the best protein shakers, we looked more closely at the existing ...
A dessert for people concerned with their blood sugar should be balanced with protein, fiber and healthy fats. A Greek yogurt ...
A direct connection exists between the pancreas and diabetes. The pancreas is an organ deep in your abdomen behind your stomach. It’s an important part of your digestive system. The pancreas ...
Discover why that seemingly healthy glass of juice might be sabotaging your diabetes control and blood sugar levels, despite ...
M OST PEOPLE mention the poo hammock. At this stage you would have already eaten (and digested) your blue cookie. The paper ...
But resistant starch can help you feel full after a meal, and that may lower the risk you’ll overeat, Cording says. Resistant ...
Among non-Hispanic Asian Americans, people with Asian Indian and Filipino ancestry have higher rates of diabetes than people with Chinese or other Asian ancestry. Nutritional management and ...