Dragon Ball Z, the iconic masterpiece by the legendary Akira Toriyama, introduced the thrilling concept of dramatic power-ups triggered by near-death experiences or the pain of seeing loved ones ...
While Goku had eventually become Super Saiyan God, Vegeta was initially still stuck with Super Saiyan 2. However, he then started training with Whis, and eventually unlocked Super Saiyan Blue.
As viewers witnessed, Vegeta’s SSJ3 transformation looks a tad different from Goku’s and ironically harkens on the original concept design of the form. The Original Super Saiyan 3 concept art ...
Dragon Ball Super saw the Prince of All Saiyans, Vegeta, ascend into godhood, evolving from a regular Super Saiyan into Super Saiyan Blue Evolved ... no trouble dodging Goku's attacks, even ...