The Hadean eon represents the time from which Earth first formed. The subsequent Archean eon (approximately 3,500 million years ago) is known as the age of bacteria and archaea. The Proterozoic ...
This study compares the geochemistry of chondrules in the carbonaceous chondrite Allende to that of terrestrial komatiite and basaltic komatiite samples from the Archean eon. This comparison provides ...
the end of the Archean Eon, between about 2.6 and 2.5 b.y., was a period of major crustal formation (granitization), crustal thickening, and aggregation of mini continents from smaller pieces of ...
Towards the end of the Archean eon, the transition from a stagnant lid mode to a plate tectonic regime with deep reaching subduction caused efficient mixing of the late veneer component, resulting in ...
This trilogy consists of 3 x 30 HD episodes that cover the history of our planet and the most ancient life on it during the Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic eons (from 4.6 billion years ago until ...
The Hadean eon represents the time before a reliable (fossil) record of life; it began with the formation of the planet and ended 4.0 billion years ago. The following Archean and Proterozoic eons ...
But, they say that life likely gained a foothold by the end of the Hadean era and left evidence in the geological records of the Archean period that followed.