Rishab Shetty, director Prasanth Varma and the producers Mythri Movie Makers have been accused of 'offensively depicting Lord Hanuman with a human face' in the first look of their upcoming film, Jai ...
This collection includes Animated feature films, "Hanuman" directed by V.G. Samanth and it's loose sequel "The Return of Hanuman" directed by Anurag Kashyap, both are produced by Percept Picture ...
God answers his prayers and leads Maruti into a series of jungle adventures. His experiences and new friends lead him to metamorphose from a Bhola-Bhala Bajrangi to HANUMAN DA DAMDAAR!
New movies in theaters - Wolf Man, The Last Showgirl & more Four fantastic new movies are come to theaters this weekend including Wolf Man - check them out and watch the trailers to decide what ...