Saif Ali Khan's attacker, Vijay Das, had visited the actor’s home before and had worked at a housekeeping firm, according to ...
The bank officials named in the FIR include, Venkataramana Pasarla, Service partner Surekha Saini, Hari Vijay and Sridevi Raghu. Upadhyay has accused the above people of forgery, fraud ...
National award-winning Tamil lyricist Pa Vijay will pen a powerful and thought-provoking song for Pawan Kalyan's upcoming film Hari Hara Veera Mallu, which is currently in post-production.
The accused include former branch head Sridevi Raghu, senior partner Venkataramana Pasarla, service partner Surekha Saini, senior vice-president Hari Vijay and others. They have been charged with ...