A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster ...
姚期智教授之前推断“对于具有某些“贪婪”插入属性的哈希表,其平均查询时间存在 O (log 𝑥) 的理论下限”。而克拉皮文团队通过引入 非贪婪插入策略 , 推翻了这样的限制条件。 他们证明,他们所提出的新型哈希表能够实现 与负载系数 𝑥 无关的常数级别平均查询时间。
A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster ...
A lookup table that is designed to efficiently store non-contiguous keys (account numbers, part numbers, etc.) that may have wide gaps in their alphabetic or numeric sequences. THIS DEFINITION IS ...
It isn't often that a decades-old assumption underpinning modern technology is overturned, but a recent paper based on the work of an undergraduate and his two co-authors has done just that.