The Hawaiian petrel is an endangered seabird that resides in the central subtropical Pacific Ocean and is known to breed only within the major Hawaiian Islands. This mysterious, rarely seen petrel is ...
The Hawaiian petrel is an endangered seabird that resides in the central subtropical Pacific Ocean and is known to breed only within the major Hawaiian Islands. This mysterious, rarely seen petrel is ...
The groups had the company in January of their intent to file suit over the ongoing harm to endangered Hawaiian petrels and threatened Newell’s shearwaters that were colliding with power lines ...
(The ʻakēʻakē are a distinct population of band-rumped storm petrels, which nest and roam widely throughout the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and number perhaps 150,000 worldwide.) With so little known ...
The Hawaiian petrel is one of the native birds that the Maui County Council is hoping will benefit from a proposed bill to regulate light pollution that conservationists say distracts wildlife and ...
Construction of a fine-mesh predator-proof fence is underway, which will eventually enclose about 80 acres of Lanai's native forests and protect the endangered ‘ua‘u from feral cats and rats.
Light pollution on Kaua‘i poses a huge threat to the fragile population of native birds, specifically the Newell’s Shearwaters and to a lesser extent the Hawaiian Petrels. It is Andrea ...