That was Starfish Prime — the highest-altitude nuclear test ... a 1.4 megaton bomb from Johnston Island. And detonated it 400 km above the Pacific — about as high as where the International ...
WASHINGTON WAS abuzz on February 14th with news of a mysterious Russian space weapon. Mike Turner, chairman of the House ...
However, the damage from a nuclear bomb is not easy to contain ... but detonated around the same altitude, some 250 miles high. Russia is a vital part of the ISS programme, and last year agreed ...
An explosion at a munitions factory in India on 24 January killed at least eight people and injured seven others. The ...
Imagine that a 150-kiloton nuclear ... explosion and Tsar Bomba - the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated. The tool can even estimate fatalities and injuries for a given weapon yield ...
That was Starfish Prime - the highest-altitude nuclear test ... launched a 1.4 megaton bomb from Johnston Island. And detonated it 400 km above the Pacific - about as high as where the ...