Jimmy Tsui, a former member of the Sun Yee On triad in Hong Kong and Tung On in New York City's Chinatown, breaks down 12 Chinese organized-crime scenes in movies and TV shows based on realism.
Dang it. Sleeping Dogs - a very good game about an undercover cop infitrating Hong Kong's triads by lying and backing that ...
The object of her next heist is Lum Lau, the head of a powerful corporation in Hong Kong, and a triad leader to boot ... A Long Goodbye movie review: Heartwarming Japanese drama about the ...
While Yen's Sleeping Dogs movie may never materialize, you can watch the 2024 Russell Crowe movie Sleeping Dogs or the 1977 ...
There has been widespread speculation that the attackers belonged to triads - the name given to organised criminal networks that operate in Hong Kong, and are also known as the Chinese mafia.