A horse fitness tracker that can also be used to detect problems with gait has been launched in the UK Shivering is a poorly understood disease of the nervous system, which can affect both a horse ...
The HSUS is calling for the passage of the Prevent All Soring Tactics act after a Texas ruling vacated key provisions of a ...
The normal horse or pony has a smooth, springy, regular gait moving freely, easily, and gracefully. Watching a fine horse move through its paces, it is not difficult to understand man's attraction to ...
A Texas federal court vacated portions of a USDA rule meant to prevent “soring,” or injuring horses’ legs to exaggerate their gait. The agency exceeded its authority in banning small weights placed on ...
Their site www.westernjustice.info has an online petition to sign for those interested. Gaited horses like the Tennessee Walking horse are known for a naturally high gait, but in order to ...
It uses sensors to analyze the gait of horses in races to identify musculoskeletal injuries and/or abnormalities before they lead to a serious injury. Kentucky has led the way with this technology.