How many times have your lemons gone bad before you had the chance to use them? It's frustrating to waste such a valuable ingredient, especially when you could easily preserve them for future use.
A whole lemon can usually stay a week on your countertop or three weeks in the crisper before it spoils, but if you wish to keep your lemons fresh for longer, then the freezer is the way to go.
Squeeze lemon juice on salads, dals, poha and whatnot! Place the lemons in a bowl of warm water for about 20-30 minutes. The warm water loosens the stiff outer layer, resulting in more juice. Take a ...
A puréed whole lemon is the base of this bright ... delivering twice the lemon flavor of store-bought dressing. Garlic, Dijon mustard, and fresh herbs round out the acidity of this versatile ...