The Chottanikkara police unearthed a grim discovery on Monday evening when they found human skeletal parts, including a skull, inside an unused refrigerator in an abandoned house near Eruveli Palace ...
Residents discovered the remains on Friday, January 17, beyond the treeline near the 1600 block of Wekewa Nene, which is a wooded neighborhood near Blairstone Forest on the southeast end of the ...
Strolling by on a quiet day, you probably wouldn’t guess what lies beneath: an underground chapel decorated with 40,000 to 70,000 human skeletons. The church itself was built around 1400 ...
OPPELIKA, Ala. (WRBL) – Human skeletal remains were discovered Saturday afternoon in a wooded area across from the Walmart Distribution Center in Opelika. The remains were found by a person who ...