From experimental fluid dynamics and transport phenomena to physically-based hydrologic models to understanding large-scale climate drivers of hydrologic variability to multi-objective management of ...
However, the snow models in hydrologic engineering field cannot handle the long-term snow storage due to lack of snow movement parameterization (schematic left, from Ohara et al. 2014). We have been ...
Importance of snow water storage in mountains is widely recognized for summer-time irrigation and food production in the downstream states. The process-based modeling of hydrologic systems including ...
Concerned about the Earth's future? We are, too. The Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences (GPHS) needs YOUR support to continue offering student scholarships, bringing leading scientists to speak ...
and related mapping products. These widely used data sets are extremely useful tools for hydrological, climatological and environmental studies. Additional activities of the Section are related to the ...
We are primarily focused on the processes controlling hydrologic fluxes in cold regions and within the greater Earth system. Improved understanding of these processes is essential for sustainable ...
Welcome to the IAEA Isotope Hydrology Laboratory. The work done here uses water’s natural isotopic “fingerprint” to map and determine the source, age, movement and interactions of water above and ...