M+ Museum in Hong Kong has unveiled the first full-scale retrospective of the renowned Chinese-American architect leoh Ming Pei (1917-2019), widely known as I. M. Pei. Located in the West Kowloon ...
Next up in our 21st-Century Architecture: 25 Years 25 Buildings series is the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar, by IM Pei, the first "mega-museum in the Gulf". This austere stack of limestone ...
In a documentary from the I.M. Pei Foundation, the late famed architect recounts how he came up with the style and the design. "We came up with this pyramid because of its shape, that would ...
Reknowned architect I.M. Pei, who died in 2019 at the age 102, designed statement-making buildings around the world, notably ...
Already the most dramatic wing of the Des Moines Art Center in terms of its use of light and space, the I.M. Pei building has ... "The Great Pyramid" and "El Anatsui" and have brought out of ...