The program to replace America’s aging nuclear ICBM arsenal, known as the LGM-35A ... A bevy of nuclear gravity bombs, ...
The US Air Force will launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in Southern California next week to test and flex the military’s readiness to use nuclear force. The unarmed Minuteman ...
The ICBM can be mounted on truck carriers or deployed ... warheads, each with a yield of around 500 kilotons. This is not the first time the Russian forces have deployed the Yars during training ...
Each Yars ICBM can carry up to four multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warheads, each with a yield of ...
The ICBM silos are connected to an underground launch control center monitored around the clock by launch crews consisting of two officers, according to the USAF website. A Minuteman III ICBM ...
The ICBM can be mounted on truck carriers or deployed ... warheads, each with a yield of around 500 kilotons. This is not the first time the Russian military has deployed the Yars during training ...
The Chinese defense ministry has announced that the military's Rocket Force launched an ICBM carrying a dummy warhead into the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday. It is believed to be the first time since ...