Taking action to personally ensure computer security helps protect everyone from data and identity theft, viruses, hackers, and other abuses. Everyone who uses a computer makes Purdue’s computing ...
Tax Return Thieves—Keeping your Social Security number private is among the first items on any checklist for preventing identity theft. If an identity thief gets a victim’s Social Security ...
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), identity theft accounted for 444,602 reports of fraud in 2018. Of identity theft reports to the FTC, 77,471 were from victims aged 18–29. Deter thieves ...
If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, information security experts recommend that you take these steps now and in the future to detect fraud or identity theft committed ...
The Identity Theft Checklist Adopt a need-to-know approach to your Social Security number and mother’s maiden name. If a business asks for this information, ask what it will do with the ...
As the prevalence of identity theft shows no signs of slowing and ... Here are five preventive measures to include in your vacation checklist to protect your identity and reduce the risk of ...