Conditional gene targeting based on excision or inversion ... construct and the loxP-flanked target sequences. In the case of inducible systems, one must also examine recombination before and ...
Researchers at Cellectis leveraged gene editing to create a CAR T cell that acts in an IF/THEN system. Traditional methods to develop CAR T cells that use the patient’s cells introduce challenges ...
TransCode also has three cancer agnostic programs—TTX-RIGA, an RNA–based agonist of the retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)–driven immune response in the tumor microenvironment ...
Oncolytic viruses are therapeutic agents used for in situ immunization in cancer immunotherapy. Unfortunately, its efficacy is particularly limited in solid tumors expressing stimulator of interferon ...
Scientists at the University of São Paulo analyzed blood samples donated by six serodiscordant couples where female partners ...
To generate a tissue specific knockout mouse, researchers breed a mouse bearing a Cre transgene under a tissue- or cell-type specific or inducible promoter (A) with a homozygous floxed mouse (B). The ...