A tiny bug bite could bring home the Oropouche virus. Learn how to protect yourself on your tropical vacation with these ...
Getting a tick bite doesn't automatically spell medical emergency, but it is important to know what to do next.
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur when bacteria enter an open bug bite. Early treatment is crucial. Learn how to ...
One of the best ways to control mosquito populations around homes is to follow the “tip and toss” method. Here’s what to do.
Mosquitoes are always an issue in Louisiana. The best ways to prevent mosquitoes include plants, repellents and eliminating ...
Discover natural mosquito repellents using common household items like lemons, soybean oil, and catnip that protect your ...
They’re tiny parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, and they can spread dozens of diseases.  March 24-30 is Tick Bite ...
A warm summer night, the hum of mosquitoes filling the air, and you, slathering on DEET, waving your arms like a windmill, ...
There are few things as annoying as a mosquito bite. We’ve tried every old wives’ tale in the book, from eating huge quantities of asparagus to upping our intake of vitamin B. “You may have ...