英特尔作为处理器市场的领先品牌。旗下的中高端处理器i5-12400F,具有不错的性能和性价比,在市场上具有一定的保值性。 🔍产品性能 i5-12400F基于英特尔第12代酷睿架构,采用先进的10纳米工艺制造。它拥有6个大核心和12线程设计,主频为2 ...
快科技1月15日消息,根据Intel发布的通知文档显示,将逐步停产第12代Alder Lake系列移动CPU。 停产的系列涵盖了标准酷睿i3、i5、i7、i9系列,以及部分采用相同架构的奔腾和赛扬型号,但不包括HX系列。
Fresh off of its worst year since going public in 1971, Intel is announcing new chips that it hopes will turn its fortunes ...
In any case, these chips are fine for doing basic tasks one at a time and are typically paired with 4GB of Ram. Intel has rebranded its Core i3 (and i5 and i7) line-up, ditching the iconic 'i' it's ...