快科技3月1日消息,除了小米智能开关Pro之外,小米智能墙壁插座Pro也推出了Mesh 2.0版,售价149元起,国补到手价126.65元起。 产品采用AG玻璃面板搭配AF涂层,具备抗油污、耐指纹及防刮花特性,质感也很出色,有白色和深空灰两款配色可选。 升级全新小米IoT Mesh ...
小米有品今日宣布将推出升级版小米IoT Mesh 2.0技术的智能墙壁插座,该产品将于3月5日启动众筹活动,众筹价格为59元。该插座采用阻燃塑料面板设计 ...
In a recent article in Elektor magazine, [Clemens Valens] describes the construction and software for an ESP32 walkie-talkie ... but focuses on more basic direct and mesh-style communication.
Connectivity options on the ESP32-S3-LCD-1.47 include 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 4 and Bluetooth 5.0, which support mesh networking and ...