新的一年,新的起点,新的成长机遇!2025年V2X春季班已开启报名通道啦!在这个充满希望的季节里,V2X课程将为你打开通往芯片验证领域的新大门,助你在专业技能上实现质的飞跃。无论你是零基础的学生,还是初入行业的新人,这里都有适合你的知识宝藏等待 ...
随着5G技术、边缘计算、人工智能在车联网领域的应用、发展和助力,C-V2X借助与人、车、路、网、图、云平台之间的全方位连接和高效信息交互 ...
For those that want to have a more detailed description of V2X’ activities, I refer to my first report on the company, but putting it simply the company provides logistics and support services ...
The Virginia-based company said Wednesday the FBI will use V2X’s mission-critical aviation resources to conduct intelligence gathering, investigation operations and law-enforcement activities.
RESTON, Va., Feb. 26, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- V2X (NYSE: VVX) Inc., announces its award of a $100 million contract to provide aviation maintenance and support services for the Federal Bureau of ...
31, 2024, was $12.5 billion, of which $2.3 billion was funded. V2X logged a 27 percent revenue growth in the Indo-Pacific region driven by increased demand. The company recorded $25 million in Q4 ...