This immersion introduces students to the language, customs, and cultural aspects (history, art, literature, politics, anthropology, and music) of Italy. The immersion consists of three language ...
Italy's language and culture have had a lasting impact on Europe. Today, its innovative contributions to design, technology and fashion make it a global commercial force. Our department provides ...
Gain an understanding of Italian language and culture. Italian studies allows you to study Italian language at all levels with some courses taught in English. The courses cross interdisciplinary ...
This minor provides two full years of modern language and culture instruction to prepare students for living and working within an intercultural society both at home and abroad. The minor consists of ...
A new interdisciplinary perspective on diverse aspects of Italian Culture with a focus on intercultural competence, global citizenship, leadership and fluency in Italian Language. Whatever the field ...
Learn about the representation of Italian culture through cinema from the 1940s to today. During the first part of the semester, we will discuss groundbreaking cinematic styles like Neorealism, the ...
Discover the fascination of Italy and Italian. Students enrolled in the Italian program will find it to be one of the most rewarding and positive linguistic and cultural experiences imaginable. A ...