3. Heat a non stick pan and make medium seized pancakes. Serve it hot along with ivy gourd dip and tomato ketchup. 4. Tip: You can also make a variation of using the pancakes as a pizza base which is ...
About Kundru ki Sabzi Recipe: Kundru is a green vegetable also called tendli, tindora or ivy gourd. It is a great source of soluble fiber and is also rich in Vitamin A and C. Heat the oil in a kadahi, ...
Kundru or ivy gourd is an integral part of Indian cuisine and is known by different regional names like tendli, kovakkai, dondakaya, tindora, tonde kayi, toruni, to name a few, across Gujarat ...
Ivy gourd, also known as “tindora” or “kundru,” is a popular vegetable used in various Indian dishes. Growing this nutritious ...