How many trains are there from Lambhua to Jaunpur City? There are 7 direct trains that run between Lambhua and Jaunpur City. The train schedules consist of 4 daily, 2 biweekly and 1 triweekly trains.
Lucknow: Jaunpur topped the recent monthly assessment report by the Board of Revenue for resolving revenue-related disputes. The district's five revenue courts disposed of 567 cases, far exceeding ...
What is the distance between Jaunpur City and Shiupur? The distance between Jaunpur City and Shiupur is approximately 52 kilometers. Trains leaving Jaunpur City arrives at Shiupur on same day. What is ...
Lucknow: Jaunpur emerged as the front-runner in issuing digital IDs to farmers, with 1,09,048 IDs, while Rampur, Ambedkar Nagar, Maharajganj, and Pilibhit secured places in the top five spots.