Kanakadasa Jayanthi, a public holiday in Karnataka, is being celebrated on Monday, November 18th, this year. The day commemorates the birth anniversary of the renowned poet and social reformer ...
The topic of the lecture by vidushi Jayanthi Kumaresh was ‘Tana and its impact on raga grammar’. She began by discussing the various movements in compositions, highlighting Tanam as one such ...
Renu Karthick Rajaguru Jayanthi is currently a Researcher and an Academician at London Metropolitan University. His research interests include biomedical sensors, robotics, electronics embedded ...
When is Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Jayanthi in 2025? Know about Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Jayanthi and the day and date on which Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari Jayanthi falls this year. Information ...